
An overview on the local liquid deliciousness
Thailand has to offer

Thai Drinks

Thai cuisine cannot be completed without the assistance of fresh, light, flavorful Thai drinks that makes room for more Thai dishes to consume.

Thailand is a tropical country; hence its drinks give no less than tropical paradise feel at a very affordable price point. Though many drinks found here would be easily accessible globally, but the local produce fruits, and the way they treated and serve makes the drink exquisite and distinctive from its global counterparts.

As simple as a drink could be or as extravagant as it can get, Thai drinks always work the magic to make people feel fresh, awake and helps to turn a frown upside down. So before we jump into our list of the must-have drinks you should try in Thailand, here are some things you should know prior to cruising the street to try these remarkable liquid delights;

Drinking from a plastic bag is a common practice, so if some vendors give you your drink in it, don't get offended, and if you feel uncomfortable, just request them to pour it in the cup, and they will humbly comply.

Don't get intimidated by the vibrant colors of the drink; unlike the Thai savory cuisine, the colors don't signify spice level; they pay homage to the fruits and other non-spicy ingredients.

To enjoy the authentic charm of Thai drinks, you need to head over to street vendors but remember not all will have an English menu, so good luck.


Thai Drinks


Now once we have that all stated, let's check the list of what's good in the liquid side of the world-famous Thai cuisine.

Top ten Thai Drinks that you should try


This dish may not be known to many, but it is very dear and near to the Thai locals as it is their national dish. This is Thailand's first-ever domestically produced branded golden spirit that contains 35% alcohol and is used to make many cocktails.

This Thai drink is very refreshing and is locally known as "The Spirit of Thailand". This distilled spirit is much more close to rum than a whisky and is a blend of sugar cane (molasses), rice, indigenous spices, and herbs. The aroma salivates the palette and instantly refreshes, and the taste is unlike any other, vibrant, refreshing, delicious, and distinctive, to say the least.

If you consume alcohol, we highly recommend trying this national Thai drink, the drink that will prepare your palette for the liquid delights that follow in the country.


Mekhong Whisky



While we are on the alcoholic side of Thai drinks, Thai beer indulges in while in Thailand. The beers are here are so exquisite, have such a pleasant flavorsome taste to them, to the extent that not only locals but foreigners love it so much that two of the most popular beer brand of Thailand "Singha" and "Chang" are heavily imported to satisfy the craving of global consumers.

Thai beers may have less alcohol volume than usual, but they are great in terms of texture, taste, affordable-ness and is easily accessible throughout the island 24/7 at any convenience store. For a bit of booze-like feel, Thai drinks are the best alternative to hard drinks to chug on.


Thai Beer



A list with Thai delicacy is incomplete with the mention of some sort of coconut-infused product, and rightfully so. Coconut is a staple ingredient in Thai cuisine, whether it is snacks, desserts, savory items, or drinks; they are literally found in every Thai dish and though in some dishes they are processed while in others served raw but either way, a good addition to the dish.

Similarly, there are numerous Thai drinks with coconut that are very delicious, but one drink that stands out the most is Coconut water just itself. No added preservative, sugar, or anything else, straight from the tree, the vendors cut into the hard shell of the coconut, add a straw and serve it as is to have a local coconut water experience. Or they scoop it out into a cup and are garnished with coconut shaving; either way, the freshness this simple Thai drink provides is exceptional.

Need a burst of freshness and hydration, this drink is your best bet for such a low price, you get a very decent quantity that is incomparable, and coconut water can be found literally anywhere; though it is available in convenience store too bottled but we highly recommend getting it from a local vendor is a street style traditional way to experience the exquisiteness of simple coconut water, the texture, the taste and the aroma like no other.


Coconut Water



One of the most intriguing Thai drinks this island has to offer. Thailand loves grass jelly; this ingredient mostly found in desserts adds so much freshness, taste, and texture to any dish.

But when it comes to drinks, the local vendors serve it in a manner where the ingredient shines, mostly mixed with ice and water; this Thai drink is chilled and sprinkled with brown sugar. It is also served with coconut ice cream and cut into small cubes and put into a cub with ice, and topped with any choice of beverage, but this simple way of chilled water, ice, and brown sugar is the best way to enjoy this Thai liquid delicacy.


Grass Jelly drinks with coconut milk



A list of Thai drinks is incomplete without mentioning juices. This tropical paradise is abundant with numerous fruits, from traditional fruits to exotic ones; any and every type is found here and can be seen being utilized in Thai cuisine, from savory items to refreshing drinks.

And amongst many, pomegranate juice is one of a kind that is very popular among the locals. This freshly squeezed juice is the best way to beat the heat, poured on ice cubes, or served in a bottle; this drink has no added sugar, preservatives, or other ingredients. It is crushed before your eyes and squeezed just for you so you can see the charm of this drink unveiling right in front of your eyes.

The smell of this drink is so refreshing and light; its taste has a perfect blend of sweet and a bit more sour, but all is okay because this juice is a great source of Vitamin C, freshness, hydration, and is filled with fiber and antioxidants.

This is one of the healthiest drinks Thailand has to offer. Available at every street vendor, you need to try a glass full of this energy booster.


Pomegranate Juice



Another Vitamin C-rich drink that Thailand has to offer, the island has a wide range of Thai drinks that make use of orange juice, its pulp, and essence, and all are exceptional in their taste, feel, and power to reenergize anyone.

Though every variant of orange juice is enjoyed but the authentic plain orange juice crushed with ice remains the fan-favorite amongst locals and tourists too. The rich aroma of freshly squeezed orange juice not only hydrates and refreshes but provide health benefits such as a boost of vitamin C, antioxidants, and more.

And the best thing is the traditional version as also variants in which it is served, from plain orange juice to pulpy orange juice to more. The sweet and mostly sour taste is a delight and is tossed with salt and pepper to make the drink more interesting and easy to chug on.


Orange Juice



The last juice on our list is not the last found in this tropical paradise; Sugarcane juice is a treat to all individuals with a massive sweet tooth. Available in bottled version and freshly squeezed one, sugarcane is best enjoyed as is, without the assistance of any other ingredient.

Getting the juice from a vendor may be the most interesting thing to witness; the sugar canes are pressed by a powerful machine that squeezes its hard stem for the juice. Unlike other freshly squeezed juices, sugar cane is always processed right in front of the eyes of the customer because it can get stale quickly if preservatives are not added.

But if you have not had sugarcane juice the local way, you need to try it; the burst of sweetness along with a boost of energy is something to experience, especially during the hot summer days.


Sugarcane Juice



Just like juices, smoothies are very common in Thailand, too, and are available in many flavors. Mostly accessible with fruits, Thai-landers don't shy away from making veggie smoothies too.

The Thai smoothies started to get popular mostly due to their health benefits, as every smoothie had a different benefit to offer, like a mixture of tropical fruits such as orange, pineapple helped with digestion, and more.

The popular smoothie in Thailand would by far be Watermelon one. Freshly blended watermelon with carrots, dragon fruit, and more red-colored fruits and vegetables, this Thai drink is the best way to get rejuvenates and hydrates instantly.

And the best part is, this incredible drink is available all year round and serving all sorts of variants at an amazing price point. From posh areas to street markets, smoothies are accessible all around the country.


Thai Smoothies



Chai yen are commonly identified as Thai Iced Milk tea, is a quite popular drink in Thailand amongst the locals. This is classified as an early everyday drink that gives a burst of energy and kicks to get the fuel going in individuals.

Unlike the traditional appearance of teas, this Thai drink usually has bright orangish colors that intimidate tourists from trying it, but once they have a sip of the liquid delight, honestly, there is no turning back.

This refreshing palatable drink is a combination of evaporated milk and condensed milk, a lot of which is why you get instant energy because of the sugar rush. But needless to say, the aroma, the taste, and the texture instantly make you a loyal consumer of the drink. There is no better way to do so than having a cup of this refreshing milk tea – a bit too sweet but worth the hype to understand the local Thai lifestyle.


Thai Iced Milk Tea



There is no comparison between local Thai coffee and other popular coffees. Considered as a heaven for coffee, Thailand has a wide variety of this drink, from regular ones to their century-old special ones, from hot to cold; the coffees served in Thailand are not just a treat to the taste palette but the eyes and nose too.

Lattes, mochas, cappuccino, and more can be found at every corner of Thailand; from posh versions to street-style versions, Thai coffee doesn't disappoint. Interestingly, Thai people don't leave their coffee bitter, too, infused with condensed milk; the coffee here is very sweet, so if you don't like your coffee sweet, be sure to inform the vendors/barista beforehand.

Coffee is a staple drink in Thailand that is consumed almost every local, multiple times a day; the rich Thai coffee flavor is definitely something you should make your taste palette try; we assure you, you would be wooed instantly.

From canned to bottled to freshly brew this Thai drink can be accessible everywhere and at various price points depending on the ingredients and the place, of course.


Thai Iced Coffee