
A Great Guide For a Fun-Filled Koh Lanta Trip

Koh Lanta

People often associate Thailand’s recreational activities limited to its rich culture, mouth-watering cuisine, impressive temples, enticing markets, and stunning beaches when planning a trip to Thailand. But what many people might know is that Island hopping is one of the liveliest and fun activities in Thailand; getting to explore and experience numerous new things is what makes Thailand and, in particular, island hopping so much fun. And with many islands within Thailand offering the opportunity of Island Hopping, Koh Kanta island is one of the popular options to go about.

Koh Lanta Island is one of those islands you see on postcards: stunning sandy beaches surrounded by clear blue waters and lush green trees. But the great thing about this particular Island is that it is a super entertaining, incredibly chill place to be with the little crowd to dilute all the fun.

The island of Koh Lanta is a very relaxed, laid-back place, with great hospitality, friendly locals, a great vibe, and, best of all, crazy parties and stunning nightlife. Interestingly enough, despite its budding popularity for years now and getting a significant influx of visitors every year, the island still manages to be low on the crowd, fostering a chill, relaxing experience. (Now we think about it, this could be possible because of the relatively large size of Koh Lanta, but either way, if it were crowded even, the island would probably be the same exact entertaining).


Koh Lanta Thailand


Once you step on the Island, the options of facilities and possibilities of recreational activities are endless, from loads of accommodation options at different price points or stunning empty sandy beaches, lush green mountains, exquisite restaurants, beautiful sunsets, and so much more. Visiting Koh Lanta, to be honest, is something everything should think about.

And with that regard, we have curated a guide that will not only make you interested in visiting the island but will help you plan a great trip worth remembering for years to come. So without further ado, here’s all you should know about Koh Lanta!

Recreational activities to do in Koh Lanta

Thailand is often considered to be a paradise for recreational activities, with numerous excellent options to avail and a great price point with incredible hospitals and stunning views; there is no beating Thailand when it comes to planning a fun-filled trip on a budget.

And since Koh Lanta is a part of Thailand, there is no denying the great options it has in store. Relatively large in size, there are many things to do in Koh Lanta that everyone, irrespective of their individual preference, would like. So with that said, let's jump into the best activities Koh Lanta has to offer.


The island trip would not be complete without a diving activity! Diving in Koh Lanta is beyond amazing; with two great world-class dive sites (Hin Muang and Hin Daeng) and a couple of other options at bay, diving here is fun, safe, and ideal for anyone irrespective of their experience. In fact, many instructors from Krabi often head to Koh Lanta for fun, relaxing dive in their spare time, less crowd, and crystal clear water; what else can a diver ask for! Like to choose to go diving for fun in Koh Lanta in their spare time. This is a must activity to do which fill turn any frown upside down!


Diving in Koh Lanta



Unlike some other exciting islands in Thailand, Koh Lanta is a great place to explore on wheels; whether you choose to book a guided tour or opt for a tuk-tuk, a taxi or rent a scooter to explore the island on your own, the opportunities to explore the island on wheels is fun yet endless. Often people opt for bicycles too which is a different but definitely a great way to roam around the island.

This 27km long island offers a great drive, with excellent roads, stunning sights, and literally no chance of getting lost; it is hard to beat the exploration fun here.  And with really no traffic, it's sage to drive your heart out in Koh Lanta.


Bicycle on Koh Lanta



Beach hopping is a great activity, especially in a place like Thailand; the option to visit numerous beaches and enjoy their distinctiveness without long trips from and to a beach is a dream. And Koh Lanta, being a relatively large island, not only has stunning beaches but quite a lot of them, which makes the beach hopping experience more exciting and enjoyable.

There are many super cool interesting islands surrounding Koh Lanta that are easily accessible in one day, that you can be done on your own or hire a guided tour to assist you.  The popular guided tour offered and recommended is non-other '4 Island Tour Koh Lanta', which includes Emerald Cave, and Koh Rok, two islands great for water activities and to get mesmerized by their natural beauty and the wonder it houses.

However, there is something that needs to be considered when beach hopping in Koh Lanta, the low tides are advised to avoid here, as there is not much water near shore, people can easily be exposed to corals and rocks, which can be fatal if not shown caution. But the great thing about this island n particular, they have tode tables online for ease of people to check whether the time is ideal to go to the beaches or not.

And as the disclaimer is out of the way, let's see the amazing beaches Koh Lanta houses;

Nui Bay Beach

This is a comparatively quiet small beach with the sea at one and a tiny bar at another end. However, despite it, size, the soft sandy beaches, and less crowd make it a perfect place to relax and release your stress away. Interestingly enough, it is actually a popular spot amongst Thais to celebrate the envelopment wedding. 

Kantiang Bay

Located in the south of Koh Lanta island, Kantiang Bay is a large each with relatively less crowd but a wide variety of beachside restaurants and bars to try. This beach is unquestionably Instagram-worthy; the beautiful beach, the crystal clear water, the blue sky, and the lush greenery, and the live music from the bars tie everything together perfectly.


Kantiang Bay Koh Lanta


Klong Nin Beach

Klong Nin Beach is situated on the west coast of Koh Lanta and offers a fantastic sunset and a great place to swim your heart out. The beach has an incredible variety of bars that offer refreshing cocktails and a view that instantly elevates the whole experience exponentially. People often choose to accommodate near this beach from its affordability to sight and great eatery options; this is a great beach to hop on to!

Bamboo Beach

One of the stunning beaches Koh Lanta has to offer. Bamboo beach is popular for its white sandy beach, blue water, and cliffy landscape that offers something different from its counterparts. The bay is beautiful and a dream place for people who enjoy their company on their own. The picturesque view, the road that links to it, the entry place, and just overall the aura that it fosters are beyond amazing.


Bamboo Beach Koh Lanta


Klong Dao Beach

Very similar to a popular beach in Koh Lanta, ‘Long Beach,’ Klong Dao beach is not only popular for its stunning view but great options for accommodations and a good walk around the shore.

Klong Kong Beach

This sandy beach has a nice and relaxing ambiance despite the fun-filled energetic nightlife. It is a perfect place for people who want the best of both worlds; relaxation and fun!

Twin Bay Beach

Located at the North West coast of Koh Lanta island, Twin Bay beach is not much talked about despite the wonders it holds. This beach is one of the stunning places in all of Koh Lanta, with a white sandy beach and beautiful landscape that takes your breath away. The beach fosters a relaxing environment all around, with visitors lying under beautiful pine trees either reading or sleeping and just having an incredible time of their lives. This beach is also quite popular for hosting intimate yet beautiful weddings off and on and offers to be an excellent backdrop for popping the big question. Another must-visit beach on our list!


Twin Bay Beach Koh Lanta



Came to Thailand and didn't venture into the sea through kayaking, snorkeling, or scuba diving? Then you missed a whole lot.

Thailand offers numerous water activities at every beach, but the highlight of Koh Lanta island is definitely snorkeling. The island has many great snorkeling sites, and there are many agencies that can help you in that regard and equip you with all the essential equipments. In fact, many such agencies help to give quick snorkeling courses too. And if someone seeks to do it on their own, there are numerous ways to do it with ease. Rent a boat, equipments, map, and head out to see the wonders Koh Lanta houses under the sea. Unquisteniably, one of the must-do activities to do at Loh Lanta Island.


Moving away from the beach but still a bit near to the water in exploring the Mangroves of Koh Lanta, either on a boat or kayak trip. Located at the shore of the east side of Koh Lanta, at Tung Yee Peng Pier, exploring mangroves is a unique, different activity to try. Surely a different and none popular one, but great to take a break from all sandy, exciting, and relaxing activities on beach islands.

Exploring mangroves is a different take on a calm ambient experience; sailing around the streams surrounded by some crazy looking yet beautiful exotic roots of the mangrove trees are tremendous but paired it up with the cool temperature, chirping birds, naughty monkeys, and the lush greenery that soothes the eye is beyond describing. There is also a Fancy mangrove boat trip which is followed by a trip to the coconut farm and a traditional Thai meal, which is another different side of Thailand to experience and explore. But all in all, to some, it may sound uninteresting or gibberish, but until you experience it for yourself, the greatness of this unconventional recreational activity won't be fully appreciated.

Highly recommend exploring Mangroves in Koh Lanta.


Mangroves Tour of Koh Lanta



If beaches and water activities are not your things, don't worry! Koh Lanta has excellent alternative options to offer that are just as good and worth every penny spent on the trip!

If stunning, jaw-dropping nature's view and wonders are in your thing, visiting Koh Lanta National Park will be an excellent option for you. From beautiful views, excellent hiking experience, lush greenery, exotic wildlife, and beaches to pair it with, the national park of Koh Lanta is a great place to be. Located at the southern-most end of Koh Lanta, the entrance to the park is 200 THB, a bit expensive but unquestionably worth it.

The national park is a great place to indulge in an extended nature trail, trees, amazing landscape, beautiful lighthouse, empty beaches, and coconut trees. Another must-visit place on our list!


Koh Lanta National Park



Moving on with the wonders of nature, wildlife is something precious to the landscape and charm of Thailand, and with Lanta Animal Welfare, the island offers an entirely unconventional recreational activity that is not only fun but beneficial to the animals.

Lanta Animal Welfare is a non-profit rescued animal center that facilitates the wildlife creatures of Thailand in various ways, and besides helping the association with donations, there are numerous other methods that can be opted for that aid them a lot. From taking animals on a walk to feeding them, bathing them, and so much more ways they association can be helped.

And what's in for you? Well, the feeling of satisfaction that steams from helping and the enjoyment of interacting with various animals is beyond amazing. That's not all the Lanta Animal Welfare offers a nice cuppa or cupcake at their Kitty City Cafe, which is vegan, and one of the cutest places to be.

Located at the South-end of Long Beach, visiting this animal rescue center/ association is an experience that needs to be a witness at least once in my life!





Koh Lanta is mainly associated with beaches, and rightfully so, the island offers excellent beaches to enjoy and relax on, but few less talked about gems of Koh Lanta are equally notable and offer a varied experience than the conventional recreational activities, such as touring 'Lanta Old Town.'

Lanta Old Town is a stunning historical site in Koh Lanta; the place is actually a village constructed over teak stilt and offers fresh of breath air. The food options here are phenomenal, and the charm of the place is like no other, exquisite yet straightforward. Despite being an old and small town, Lanta Old town surely brings a smile to people faces purely because of the simplicity and hospitality the town has to offer, not to mention they have incredible sights too, such as colorful, vibrant buildings, shopping places, and incredible restaurants that offer food that salivates the palette and tempts the eye.


Koh Lanta Old Town



Thailand and any of its town recreational activity lists won't be complete without mentioning their markets. Well, there is no denying that Thailand has an abundance of markets, from street to high-end, weekend, walking, night, and floating markets, each offering something gravitating. However, talking solely about Koh Lanta, the island hosts various markets across the island throughout the week at different locations, but their night market is what we will talk about, a quite different shopping experience than others in the country.

How? You may ask! The night market in Baan Saladan on Wednesday evenings is something to look forward to. This 4 pm to 11 pm night market is the perfect combination of fun, leisure, relaxation, and comfort. Offering a wide range of shopping options, decadent food, massages, live music, massages, and the cold breeze under the starry night is just mind-blowing. And not to mention one of the most budget-friendly markets in the country!


Koh Lanka Night Market


Well, this pretty much sums up top recreational activities to do in Koh Lanka, and now it's time to get to know not such fun and exciting things about the island for a greatly planned trip.

Koh Lanka planning guide


So Koh Lanta is an island in Thailand on the South West coast by the Andaman Sea. Belonging to the province of Krabi, the island mostly experiences two seasons throughout the year.

Koh Lanta mostly has a combination of two types of weather; whether hot and dry or hot and rainy, there is no in-between. The hot and dry season is the most popular season and gets a large influx of visitors, while the hot and rainy season is considered to be less busy. The heavier rainfalls are usually received from June to late October, and hence during this season why recreational spots and shops are closed, and transportation is on hold. 

So, in conclusion, December to April is considered to be the ideal time to visit Koh Lanta for an unforgettable beach holiday.


Trust us, once you step a foot on Koh Lanta, you wouldn’t want to leave the place any time soon, but realistically speaking, since this island is relatively large as compared to others in Thailand, 3-7 days would be good enough to explore the island, enjoy its recreational activity and take all it wonders in with no rush.

However, if you are some sort of a time crunch with us, a week feels like a tight schedule too, so it is advised to make a proper itinerary in order to get the best experience out of your Koh Lanta trip.


The best thing about Thailand would come by far we the ease of commuting and traveling to, from, and within Koh Lanta Island is no different at all. There are many easy ways of traveling, and to make things easier for everyone and anyone, we have created a guide that will help you a lot.

Okay, so start with Koh Lanta is divided into two islands which means you need to decide where you are heading to; Koh Lanta Noi (small Koh Lanta) and Koh Lanta Yai (big Koh Lanta), where the majority of the beaches and hotels are situated once you decide that it is easier to devise a commuting plan.

Generally, going to Koh Lanta is possible either by car/van or ferry, if traveling from central lands of Thailand. So if you are traveling through a ferry once you reach the island, you can either opt for a taxi or a tuk-tuk, depending on your convenience. And if you opted for a car/van ride, it will be so much easier for you to reach your destination with ease; all you would be required to do would be, drive through Lanta Noi, then cross a bridge to Lanta Yai, arriving close to Koh Lanta pier.


Ferry to Koh Lanta


And if you are traveling from Krabi, the easiest way would be to hop on a plane and land in Koh Lanta; from there, you can get a van or a taxi to reach the pier followed by a ferry. If you decide to travel from Krabi to Koh Lanta by van, it takes around 2 hours, and the price is approximately 400 baht; you can also rent a car and drive yourself. 

If you are deciding to travel from Phuket, Koh Phi Phi, or Koh Lipe places, a speedboat or a ferry would be your best bet. During tourism season there are frequent departures per day, however, despite that, it is suggested to book a ferry beforehand. After a ferry ride, a van or a taxi ride is generally followed.

All in all, Koh Lanta is an excellent place to vacation at and with numerous options and ease and accessibility of varied facilities, there shouldn’t be any reason not to go to this incredible island that Thailand holds.