
Know all about The Full Moon Party in Thailand

The Full Moon Party

The Full moon party may sound like a cult ritual event or preparation prior to the apocalypse, but trust us, it's nothing like that. It's just another event in Thailand celebrated to bring people close. The full moon party is actually quite popular in Thailand and amongst travelers.

Thousands and Thousands of travelers and locals head to Haad Rin on the island of Koh Phangan to enjoy, dance, eat, sing and celebrate the 'Full Moon.' The full moon party is arguably the most frequent event that takes place in Thailand, quite literally every month, but despite its constant occurrence, the vibe, energy, and excitement towards the full moon party never run short.

The full moon party in Thailand is potentially the most prominent and biggest party in Southeast Asia and one of the wildest grant beach gatherings in the world! That's not all; this event is considered to be an unforgettable experience; imagine dancing with thousands and thousands of individuals on a stunning beach under the glowing full moon while the fresh cool breeze is flowing, fostering a calming and relaxed sensation. Ah, what a sight to see and a feeling to experience!


Full Moon Party


But as they say, not every good thing comes alone, so the case here is the same. Though the full moon party is a blast, and people love to be a part of it, but the party does have its flaws; drugs, drinking, theft, and injuries of different sorts are expected to happen. The more lively the party would be, the more chances of occurrence of these things. Hence a lot of people, irrespective of their preference for loud, festive parties, also head to Northern Thailand to enjoy the full moon party but lowkey.

Though all across Thailand, there are different Full moon parties to see but the most popular Full moon party in Thailand will undoubtedly, the party on Koh Phangan Island. The party here is what travelers crave for, the vibe, the people, the view, food, dance, drink, everything is so captivating and fun. And a lot of tourists plan their trips accordingly to get the chance to experience the greatness of this party in Thailand.

And don't worry for those who have no clue of the Full moon party in Thailand and may feel lost as to what we are raving about. This article intends to make you familiarize yourself with this frequent popular party in Thailand, what it is about, when it happens, what to expect, and so much more. And with that said, without any further ado, let's begin!

A brief history of Full Moon Party in Thailand

The full moon party indeed sounds divine, some pagan gathering, with a bash under a full moon on a stunning tropical island. But that’s not all, this party is full of other incredible things too, fore, body paints and almost any cool activity that adds to its exotic appeal.

But how it all started? Well, the first full moon party in Thailand dates back to the 1980s, when the gathering was significantly small that only consisted of a handful of friends. The party started at sunset and didn’t end till sunrise. People talked, thanked me for the prosperity and the abundance of things they have; they partied and just enjoyed it to the fullest.

And with time, the full moon party grew large unexpectedly and became the most frequently celebrated grand scale part around the Globe. With more than 30,000 attendees at every party, you can see everyone dressed up in different ways having a different vibe altogether. The full moon party is just like Coachella minus the concerts, but the gathering sure has live music and a stunning view to elevate it exponentially.

However, critics now believe that the Full Moon Party is a gone case; the event is too commercialized and lost its essence. But regardless of their opinion, there is no denying that the full Moon Party in Thailand, despite being chaotic, despite being all over the place, serves a great time under the moon, amongst new people and an experience like no other.


Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan


Full Moon Party in Thailand today


Full Moon Parties are a frequent event celebrated in Thailand. It happens every month which is pretty explanatory is to why. Though there is no set date as the celebration is depended on the sighting of the moon. But they are do, adjusted around Buddhist holidays so do not always coincide with the night of the actual full moon.


The Full Moon Party is celebrated all across the country, but the most prominent one and considered to be the sole celebrator is organized in Koh Phangan Island, located at the Gulf of Thailand.

Reaching Koh Phangan is relatively easy; all you are required to do is book either a bus and boat or train and boat in advance (easier if done through a traveling agency). It advised booking transport in advance because the deals received are better and way cheaper and most importantly available. However, be aware of the surroundings as it is common in Khao San Road that belongings are often stolen.

So how to get there? If you're traveling from Bangkok to Surat Thani, it is recommended to take an overnight bus. Once you reach Surat Thani, you can get a ferry or a pricier speedboat to Koh Phangan Island. There you can et many pickup trucks, taxis and you can even hire a private can that will take you to your accommodations.

You can also take flights which are generally 2 hours long from Bangkok direct to Koh Phangan. However, if you are travelling from Chiang Mai, the trip is very easy and convenient, and any mode of transportation will do.

From your accommodation to the party spot is very easy. Celebrated at Haad Rin Nok (Sunrise Beach) on the eastern side of the peninsula, there are numerous ways to reach there, by foot if your accommodations are near or a tuk-tuk, bus, taxi, scooter, private transport, and more. Commuting facilities and options are great in Thailand, something for everyone, and with excellent price points.


The Beach Before Full Moon Party



Considered to be the wildest beach party in the world, full moon parties in Thailand are undoubtedly fun, but there are few pointers that every attendee should be familiar with to have a great experience.

  • Despite what the name suggests, the full moon party is not necessarily arranged on the same day of the moon sighting; it can be arranged a day or two prior to or after the moon sighting.
  • It is better, cheaper and convenient to book transport through a travel agency. They not only offer various packages but guide you with important information.
  • It is strictly advised to avoid taking valuable belongings to the party.
  • Make sure to keep an eye on the drink, as bucket drugging is a common occurrence in these full moon parties.
  • The parties can be pretty chaotic, but don’t get scared it’s a common thing to take place.
  • And if the party gets too chaotic for anyone, there is a simple solution, just a block away, there are restaurants located where you can go. Also, there are special areas for drunken people, and they are monitored by the police to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

Full Moon Party in Thailand can easily be considered a carnival-like gathering that is arranged every month and is supposed to be the wildest and most frequent party in the world. And though there are numerous such parties scattered across the country, the most prominent and genuine in considered to be organized on Haad Rin Beach in Koh Phangan.

The party is definitely on a grand scale; with over 12 powerful sound systems, the beach has become the world's most popular open-air nightclub. The party fosters a lively carnival/music festival atmosphere, with rocking music, neon lights, and plenty of booze to keep you hocked and entertained. The popularity of this event is so massive that every month there is a significant influx of visitors; more than 40,000 people gather on Haad Rin Beach in Koh Phangan to have fun under the full moon.

Imagine it as a happening rave party with DJs from around the world coming to playing jamming electronic dance music and people dancing to every beat. The music is so loud and eccentric that it makes you forget all your worries and have a blasting time. There is also a popular tradition to paint your body with neon body paints, and with a large amount of UV strip lights, the slight of the party is no less than magical and mesmerizing. A glow-in-the-dark party on the beach with incredible music is a dream come through. And that's not all; the beach bars offer incredible refreshing drinks, food, and so much more to keep your appetite intact and elevate the who full moon party experience significantly!


Beach Bar in the Full Moon Party


Now, as we covered about the refreshing drinks offered at the party, there are two things to know in regards to that. First, in Full Moon Parties, the beverages are offered in a bucket instead of the conventional cup; these buckets usually consist of a bottle of hard liquor, a bottle of Red Bull, a bottle of any soft drink, and some ice to pair the whole cocktail with. Often there is a mixer provided with it too and some straws. The bucket is enough for a small grow of friends and costs around 200 to 300 baht. But hey, this doesn't mean that regular cups are not offered, they are, but they are not often asked for.  Secondly, beware of bucket drugging, it is common to witness such actions; since few people carry drugs in the party, and few doing them, there is a chance of unwarranted bucket drugging.

Besides the phenomenal drinks and caution that comes with it, the full moon party in Thailand has incredible fire shows and fire rope jumping. These sightings are very common and highly popular; people, in fact, line up to see the whole show up close to get whooed instantly. The fire show is actually a tradition that takes place right at 9:00 pm in front of Drop In Bar on Haad Rin Beach. The show is usually an hour long and captivates a large group of audience.

As far as the timing is concerned the party begins shortly after sunset, however, if you live to party hard it is recommended to get in later as the real party doesn't start before 9:00 pm, from this time onwards you can see the whole beach take a new turn, the liveliness, the fun, people dancing with glow sticks and glow-in-the-dark body paint. Fire shows happen, DJs playing sick music, and so much more.


Fire Shows of Full Moon Party


There is also a pre-Full Moon party at Danish-run Same-Same Guesthouse near the Haad Rin beach, which is a popular spot for an epic warm-up session, where people get to know one another, body paint is done, and other cool activities. It's essentially a great way, especially for solo travellers to be a part of a group and enjoy utmost. (because a fun party like this cannot be appreciated fully alone)

That's not all; the after-party of Full Moon Party at Haad Rin Beach in Koh Phangan is considered to be the highlight of the whole gathering by many. From the main event, people often walk to the quieter bays and beaches near Haad Rin Beach. There is also a private bay that people go to by boat or rough jungle trails to cool off after the hype partying. The relaxation that comes after partying, the calmness from a chaotic place to a quiet bay is incredible and relaxes mind and body.


Neon Body Paints in Full Moon Party



As already mentioned, the Full Moon Party is adjusted according to the Buddhist holidays, which often coincide with the full moon; hence they are arranged at times 1-2 days prior to or after the sighting of the moon.

Also, if you plan to be part of the wildest party on the planet, it is recommended to book transport and accommodations days ahead, if not weeks, because Koh Phangan is awash with "mafias," especially during these seasons, the prices are inflated like crazy and at times not even available. In fact, some enterprises often block main access paths to the beach so they can charge an entrance fee (the ticket often comes as an overpriced bracelet), and the fact the party is often arranged on a public beach is unwarranted and unjust.


There is no denying that the Full Moon Party in Thailand is a great fun-filled experience that people all around the world come to enjoy, but with that said, there are some safety precautions that are expected to be taken to ensure the experience goes smoothly and is enjoyed to its peak. Some precautions are taken by the organizers/government while some are expected to be taken by the attendees;

  • Intoxicated people are put in place and monitored by the police to prevent them from harming themselves and others.
  • Many people die during this event from drowning, fatal driving incidents, and drug overdose; hence it is recommended not to swim when intoxicated and avoid getting too drugged or drunken, and beware of 'bucket drugging' and driving under the influence.
  • Many people are mesmerized by the fire shows and tend to go close; it is advised to stay in far proximity as many casualties report burn incidents.